Push seeks in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants (Richmond Dispatch)

As comprehensive immigration reform continues to languish in Congress, Republicans and Democrats in the Virginia General Assembly are renewing their push for allowing eligible undocumented immigrants to pay in-state tuition rates.

Del. Alfonso H. Lopez, D-Arlington, said that today he will roll out the Virginia Tuition Equality Act — his third attempt to get the legislation passed since he joined the legislature in 2012.

“… Edgar Aranda-Yanoc, chairman of the Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations, said “educating noncitizens among us in the present means a more educated new-citizen population when the possibility of naturalization is realized in the near future.”

To read full article, please  click this link: http://www.timesdispatch.com/news/state-regional/government-politics/push-seeks-in-state-tuition-for-undocumented-immigrants/article_9b92d9e8-9d2c-5661-9e85-37672c5d93bb.html


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