Nov 2018
Date/Time | Event |
11/15/2018 8:30 am - 5:00 pm |
9th Virginia Immigrant Advocates Summit
Annandale United Methodist Church, Annandale VA
REGISTRATION OPEN We are excited to announce that the registration for the 9th Virginia Immigrant Advocates Summit is now open. The current administration has made drastic changes to immigration policy with an intent to detain and deport as many undocumented and documented immigrants as they can, separate families, and restrict future immigration into the country including those fleeing violence. We will be discussing all these changes at this year’s Summit as well as the changes to the political panorama at the state level and its impact on policies impacting immigrants and how the upcoming mid-term elections could affect immigration policy going forward. We will also discuss ways to improve our collective advocacy efforts as we work to protect the rights of immigrant communities in Virginia. We will be sending out a detailed event program soon. WHEN: Thursday, November 15th 2018 from 8:30am to 5:00pm WHERE: 6935 Columbia Pike, Annandale, VA 22003 (Annandale United Methodist Church) REGISTRATION: You can proceed with your registration at this link: COST: $ 35.00 plus a processing fee. SCHOLARSHIPS: Limited scholarship assistance is available to cover the full event registration fee. To apply for a scholarship, please proceed with your registration and choose “scholarship”. Applications will be evaluated on a first-come first-serve basis. PROGRAM: Please click at this link:
If you would like to sponsor this event, please contact Edgar Aranda-Yanoc at [email protected]. or 703-772-1555. We hope to see you at this year’s summit! ORGANIZED BY: Legal Aid Justice Center’s Immigrant Advocacy Program (LAJC), Mason DREAMers, Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy (VICPP), Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations (VACOLAO), DREAMer Mothers in Action (DMIA), Just Neighbors, Centreville Immigration Forum, National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC), Herndon-Reston Indivisible Immigration Issues Committee, DMV Sanctuary Congregations Network, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Virginia, Virginia Organizing (VO), Sin Barreras and Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Washington. |
Sep 2018
Date/Time | Event |
09/15/2018 8:30 am - 3:00 pm |
Taller Sobre Instrumentos de Equidad Racial
Arlington VA, Arlington VA TALLERES SOBRE INSTRUMENTOS DE EQUIDAD CUANDO: sábado 15 de 2018 (Desayuno estará disponible a las 8:30am) EL ESPACIO ES LIMITADO. QUIEN: Este taller está destinado solo para los miembros de las BASES de la comunidad Latina de Virginia. PORQUE: Muchos de nuestros desafíos en la región de Washington, DC están arraigados en una larga historia de desigualdad e impactan desproporcionadamente a las comunidades de bajos ingresos y comunidades de color, incluyendo a los inmigrantes. Los de bajos ingresos y las comunidades de color continúan experimentando inequidades profundas y persistentes en la atención de su salud, ingresos, riqueza, infraestructura vecinal, vivienda asequible, empleo estable y educación. Los inmigrantes también están experimentando inseguridad con amenazas de deportación, falta de acceso a programas básicos de red de seguridad y prohibiciones de viajes. Lo que mantiene estas desigualdades en la salud y los resultados sociales es el racismo estructural. También creemos en la necesidad de crear políticas, programas y procesos que ayuden a compartir la prosperidad y darles a todos en la región la misma oportunidad de vivir una vida sana y digna. OBJETIVOS: Los objetivos de los talleres son:
Los talleres se realizarán en español. LUGAR: El evento será en Arlington. La dirección exacta se le brindara una vez que se registre y verifiquemos su identidad. REGISTRESE AQUÍ: PARA MAS INFORMACION CONTACTE A Edgar Aranda-Yanoc, Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations, [email protected], (703) 772-1555 |
09/08/2018 10:30 am - 4:30 pm |
FREEDOM FROM FEAR through Civic Engagement Conference & Gallery Talk
Chrysler Museum of Art, Norfolk VA FREEDOM FROM FEAR through Civic Engagement Conference & Gallery TalkClick here to RSVP:, September 8, 2018 Registration: 10:30 – 11 AM Conference: 11 Am to 2 PM Gallery Talk: 2 PM Reception: 3:30 – 4:30 PM Chrysler Museum of Art One Memorial Place, Norfolk, VA. 23510 Join our nonpartisan community and leadership conference with high profile state and local organizations! Enjoy a day of empowering presentations, panel discussions and networking! Help encourage voting participation, action and collaboration in our community! Conference is free, lunch order is optional, but must be preordered Organizations or groups with ten people or more get 50% lunch discount Suggested donation for lunch/ reception: $20.00 Groups of 10 or more: $10.00 |
Jun 2018
Date/Time | Event |
06/27/2018 9:30 am - 3:00 pm |
Virginia Advocacy Day on the Hill to End Family Separation and Detention
Cannon House Building South of the Capitol bounded by Independence Ave., First St., New Jersey Ave., and C St. SE, Washington D.C WHAT: Attorney General Jeff Sessions has implemented a draconian “zero tolerance” policy that separated children from their parents at the border. Although the administration now states it will keep families together, thousands of children have already been taken from their parents with no system in place to reunite them. Moreover, the administration seeks to overturn judicial precedent keeping children out of long-term detention in order to lock families up while their cases move through the legal and administrative systems, a process that can take many months if not years. If the administration loses in court, some officials are already stating there could be a return to the family separation policy. Meet with Virginia House and Senate representatives to discuss the urgent need for a humane response to the humanitarian crisis resulting from the administration’s crackdown at the border. The administration must reunite families and find non-detention alternatives to assist families as their cases progress. We will also discuss other issues impacting immigrants as well including a legislative fix for DACA and TPS. WHERE: We will convene at 50 F St. NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20001 (National Immigration Forum) and walk to US Congress. WHEN: Wednesday, June 27th from 9:30 a.m. – 3:00pm WHO: Legal Aid Justice Center, Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations (VACOLAO) and Virginia Coalition for Immigrant Rights (VACIR), DREAMers Mothers in Action (DMIA) REGISTRATION REQUIERED: Fill out this ink: CONTACT: Please contact Edgar Aranda at 703-772-1555 or [email protected] for more information
06/22/2018 11:00 am - 12:00 pm |
Rally at the Department of Justice to Protest Family Separation and Detention
Department of Justice, Washington DC
EMERGENCY RALLY AT THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE TO PROTEST FAMILY SEPARATION AND DETENTION WHAT: Tell Attorney General Jeff Sessions that seizing children form their parents should not be used as leverage to indefinitely detain immigrant families. After massive public outcry over the administration’s policy of seizing children from their parents at the US/Mexico border, President Trump singed an Executive Order on June 20th that would end the forced separations by placing children in detention facilities with their parents while their cases move through the courts, a process that could take months or years with immigration courts backlogged. In doing so, the President exposed the fact that this was his policy that he could change at any time and without congressional action. Moreover, the fact still remains that thousands of children have been separated from their parents with inadequate infrastructure in place to reunite them. Indefinite detention of children is in violation of a 1997 Consent Decree known as the Flores Settlement that prohibits the government from detaining children longer than 20 days even if they are with their parents. It is no secret that the Trump administration has chafed under the requirements of this decree and is now using its own manufactured crisis of family separation as an excuse to push this policy change. In fact, the President’s EO specifically requires Attorney General Sessions to return to federal court to modify the Consent Decree. This situation is unconscionable. Parents fleeing violence with their children should be given a safe harbor while their claims move through the courts not forced into accepting the jailing of their families as an alternative to long-term and even permanent separation from their children. Tell AG Sessions to respect the Flores Decree and keep families together and out of detention. WHO: Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations (VACOLAO), Virginia Coalition for Immigrant Rights (VACIR), Legal Aid Justice Center, DREAMers Mothers in Action (DMIA), Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy (VICPP) WHERE: The Department of Justice Building, 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, D.C. WHEN: Friday, June 22, 11am -12pm CONTACT: Please contact Edgar Aranda at 703-772-1555 or [email protected] for more information. #StopFamilyDetention #KeepFamiliesOutofDetention