- Activities outside the U.S. Supreme Court for DAPA/extended DACA
These activities are taking place outside the U.S. Supreme Court to urge the justices to uphold the legality of President Obama’s immigration relief programs “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Expansion and Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) in the case of United States v. Texas. We launched these activities March 14th and will continue thru the April 18th Supreme Court hearing, when the Justices will hear oral arguments in this legal case.
FASTING FOR DAPA CHAIN: Since its beginning, hundreds of people across the country has have joined this campaign.
We ask participants to select one day between March 14, 2016 and April 18, 2016 to fast for that day. During that day, participants will take a picture while holding up a sign with the words “I am Fasting for DAPA” (Estoy Ayunando Por DAPA). Participants will then post to their Social media sites and Fasting For DAPA Chain’s FACEBOOK.
We encourage participants to help extend the Chain by inviting their social media connections also to participate.
For more information, contact Andrea Delgadillo by email: [email protected]

Immigrant Trail is a silence protest outside of the U.S. Supreme Court every Friday from 10 am to 12 pm until April 18th 2016
THE IMMIGRANT TRAIL: This is a silent protest where we display U.S. flags tied to shoes that belong to immigrants who would benefit with the immigration relief. The trail symbolizes the sacrifices that immigrants face as they walk towards the American Dream.
The trail of shoes towards the Supreme Court is displayed every Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00pm until the hearing date of this case April 18, 2016. For more information, contact Kathy Ochoa by e-mail [email protected]
VIGIL FOR DAPA: Join us every Monday from 6:00 to 7:00pm outside of the U.S. Supreme Court to pray and hear stories of immigrants who would benefit of DAPA/extended DACA.
For more information, contact: Lenka Mendoza: [email protected] 571-316-4721
You can find more information at FASTING FOR DAPA CHAIN or and Facebook: FASTING FOR DAPA CHAIN
GENERAL INFORMATION: Please contact: Lenka Mendoza: [email protected] (571-316-4721) or Edgar Aranda-Yanoc: [email protected] (703-772-1555)
Organized by a broad coalition for immigrant rights, including Dreamers Mothers in Action (DMIA) VACOLAO, VACIR.
- Civic Engagement Activities
“THE PATH TO NATURALIZATION”: AN OPEN PUBLIC INFORMATION SESSION. If you are a U.S. Permanent Resident, and want to exercise your full rights as a U.S. citizen, NOW is the time to apply for Citizenship – maybe even in time for the November 2016 elections. “Here is your chance to learn about the Path to Naturalization – get information from senior USCIS officials and from private attorneys who specialize in immigration issues.” Everyone is welcome to this free event, and to hear from several experts, including a representative from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services. Legal permanent residents and interested naturalization applicants are especially encouraged to come. Topics covered at this free session will include: 1) The naturalization process; 2) the new naturalization test; and 3) rights and responsibilities of US citizenship.
WHEN: April 1, 2016 from 6:30pm to 9:00 pm
WHERE: 46903 Sugarland Road, Sterling, VA 20164
Organized by: ADAMS – The All Dulles Area Muslim Society, in collaboration with Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations (VACOLAO), New Virginia Majority and VACIR.
The 2016 Virginia Latino Civic Engagement Spring Forum
Luncheon Keynote Speaker: Lt. Governor Ralph Northam
WHEN: Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
WHERE: The Palace of Woodbridge (13989 Jefferson Davis Highway, Woodbridge VA, 22191)
The Forum will include interactive presentations from top Latino leaders and guests on the subject of Latino civic engagement, and the importance of Virginia’s Latino vote in the November election.
REGISTRATION: Please register at
Payments may be made via PayPal, at
For more information, please call 703-276-9413 or [email protected].
Organized by The Virginia Latino Leaders Council (VLLC). VLLC is a non-partisan organization that promotes the health and welfare, civic engagement, political empowerment, education, and entrepreneurial success of the Latino community. Contributions are not tax-deductible.
WHAT: VACOLAO invites you to a lunch-time discussion of our legislative agenda where we will talk about our legislative success stories and work that remains to be done. Senators, Delegates and immigrant right advocates will be part of the discussion.
This year, VACOLAO’s legislative agenda included many issues that would impact our community such as access to driver’s license for immigrants, voter ID, combating human trafficking, raising the minimum wage, Medicaid expansion, fair treatment of workers. VACOLAO also fought back against anti-immigrant legislation such the “anti-sanctuary” and “compliance of ICE’s detainers” and opposed any effort to deny refugees’ asylum or assistance.
VACOLAO in collaboration with our organizational partners and hundreds of statewide immigrant advocates, pushed for access to driver’s license for aspiring Americans residing in Virginia. VACOLAO pushed for bills in both the House and Senate. While we did not achieve legislative success this year, we did manage to move this issue forward in both Chambers with our outreach and advocacy efforts including the House Transportation Committee request for an impact study of the issue. While much work remains, our hard work is beginning to pay off.
VACOLAO will discuss new initiatives for the 2017 General Assembly such as legislation that provides in-state tuition for DREAMers regardless of their DACA status.
WHERE: Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington VA (4444 Arlington Boulevard Arlington, VA 22204)
WHEN: Thursday, March 31st, 2016 from 11:30 – 2:00 pm (Lunch will be served, door opens at 11:00am)
REGISTRATION: Seated are limited, please registered at your earliest convenience by clicking here: If you have questions, please email us at [email protected] or call us at 703-772-1555.