VACOLAO 2024 Latino Summit, September 22, 2024, at George Mason University – our photos
3rd Virginia Immigrant Advocates Summit
Information Session on Deferred Action
Training “Deferred Action” Policy DREAMers: What You Need to Know
Press Conferece U.S Supreme Court – SB1070
2nd Virginia Immigrant Advocates Summit
Meet and Greet Forum (Forum of Candidates in Prince William)
Historic Agreement on Immigrant Workers’ Rights
USA Senate Hearing on the DREAM Act 6.28.11
Richmond Wrap-Up
General Assembly Court of Justice Sub Committee Hearing
VA Immigrant Advocacy Day (VACOLAO’s lobby day
Redistricting Seminar: How Virginia Redistricting Can Affect you?
VACOLAO joins United We DREAM Network DREAM Act
A Community Forum on Getting Immigration Right – DREAM Act
3rd Virginia Immigrant Advocates Summit
“VACOLAO and many of our partners held the 3rd Virginia Immigrant Advocates Summit on Friday, October 26th . Once again, over 200 hundred advocates across Virginia came together to discuss and learn around issues important to immigrant rights as well as organize ourselves as we work together to Virginia a welcoming place for immigrants. VACOLAO would like to thank all who participated and made this 3rd Summit a huge success!”
From 3rd Virginia Immigrant Advocates Summit, posted by VACOLAO – Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations on 10/28/2012 (38 items)
- Plenary Session I: Virginia Legislative Update 2012/2013
- Delegate Alfonso H. Lopez, (Moderator) Virginia House of Delegates 49th District. Cla…
- Election Protection Efforts: Tram Nguyen, Associate Director – Virginia New Majority…
- Who Is In The Room? – Meet and Greet: Alice Foltz, President of Centreville Immigrati…
- Plenary Session II: Understanding the Economic Contribution of Immigrants to Virginia…
- Michael Cassidy, President and CEO, The Commonwealth Institute for Fiscal Analysis (T…
- Federal and State protection against human trafficking – A Comprehensive Approach to …
- Loan Hanlon, Boat People SOS (Moderator), Adam Ebbin, Virginia Senator – 30th Distric…
- Federal and State protection against human trafficking – A Comprehensive Approach to …
- Marco Grimaldo, President & CEO, Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy, Jo…
- The Affordable Care Act and Medicaid Expansion in Virginia
- Deferred Action Program for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
- Deferred Action Program for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
- Virginia Framework for Collective Action – A discussion on how we can work together t…
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Information Session on Deferred Action
“VACOLAO would like to thank everyone who participated at information session on “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals “on Tuesday, August 21, 2012 at Saint Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, Arlington Virginia. We hope that the information provided will prove useful as you are going through the application process for deferred action.
VACOLAO would like to share important information that was presented at this event. Please visit our web site ( see the PowerPoint presentation (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals/“DREAMers”: What You Need to Know! and Deferred Action for Immigrant Youth in Virginia -fact sheet, (Spanish) and English.
VACOLAO would like to thank Legal Aid Justice Center’s Immigrant Advocacy Program, Hogar Immigrant Service – Catholic Charities, Ayuda, Hispanics Against Child Abuse and Neglect (HACAN/STAR), Just Neighbors: Immigrant Legal Service, Asian Pacific American Legal Resource Center and Immigrant Youth in Virginia for co-organizing this event.”
From Information Session on Deferred Action for Chilhood Arrivals, posted by VACOLAO – Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations on 8/22/2012 (12 items)
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Training “Deferred Action” Policy DREAMers: What You Need to Know
“VACOLAO would like to share photos of today’s information training session concerning the Obama administration’s new “Deferred Action” policy for immigrant youth. VACOLAO would like to give a huge thanks to all of our organizational partners and those who attended for making today’s training a huge success. Today is just another step of our journey. We will not stop until Dreamers are finally able to exercise their rights as citizens of the country that they call home. ”
From Training “Deferred Action” Policy DREAMers: What You Need to Know, posted by VACOLAO – Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations on 7/11/2012 (10 items)
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Press Conferece U.S Supreme Court – SB1070
“ACLU of Virginia, Coalition of Latino Organizations (VACOLAO), Virginia New Majoriy, LACJ’s Immigrant Advocacy Program held a press conference today concerning the US Supreme Court opinion that struck down most of Arizona’s anti-immigration law. Unfortunatley, the Court chose to at least for now let stand the law’s “show me your papers’ provision” but asserted that today’s ruling did not close the door to future legal challenges on preemption or other constitutional grounds. . VACOLAO and its partners are very concerned that today’s ruling will result in increase racial profiling of both citizens and non-citizens alike by members of local and state law enforcement as well as create greater mistrust of law enforcment by immigrants resulting in less secure communities. ”
From Press Conferece U.S Supreme Court – SB1070, posted by VACOLAO – Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations on 6/25/2012 (11 items)
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“These are images of hundreds of people coming together on what would be known as VACOLAO’s Immigrant Advocacy Day in Richmond, joining the Day of All People. The huge turnout symbolized the enormous support for policies that welcome all of Virginia’s residents and a strong desire to defeat the many anti-immigrant bills introduced this year. There were a few legislative bright spots introduced this year however. For instance, House Bill 776 introduced by Delegate Alfonso Lopez of Arlington would benefit young immigrant Dreamers of Virginia by providing them with in-state tuition like any other student in Virginia. While we know the current political environment will make passage of this important legislation an uphill battle, we are determined to push forward. For more information and how to get involved to advocate for immigrant rights in Virginia, visit VACOLAO website. Sin parar!
Edgar Aranda-Yanoc, chair of VACOLAO”
From ADVOCATING FOR A BETTER COMMUNTY – VACOLAO’s Immigrant Advocacy D, posted by VACOLAO – Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations on 2/04/2012 (33 items)
- VACOLAO attended at the reception organized by CAPAVA
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2nd Virginia Immigrant Advocates Summit
“Dear all. I am delighted to report that the 2nd Virginia Immigrant Advocates Summit was a huge success. With approximately 200 attendees coming from across the state, this year’s Summit demonstrated significant broad-based support for building communities in Virginia that are inclusive and respectful of the rights of all those who living in the Commonwealth. On behalf of all the co-organizers, I sincerely thank all those who were in attendance.
As part of this report, I would like to share some photos of the Summit as well as let all of (Summit materials/handouts will soon be available on the VACOLAO website at
We need to keep this momentum going. The challenges facing immigrant communities in our state are great, especially in light of the many legislative proposals likely to be introduced during the 2012 General Assembly. We can do this by educating and organizing ourselves to ensure that the concerns of immigrant communities are heard in Richmond this coming January.
As part of this effort, VACOLAO will be holding a conference call after the November 8, 2011 local and state elections. On the call will be VACOLAO’s lobbyist Claire Gastañaga who will break-down the results of the elections followed by a discussion of where we will need to go in terms of planning for our advocacy efforts during the 2012 General Assembly. This conference call will take place on Monday, November 14th at 12.00 p.m. If you are interested in joining the call, please send me and e-mail to [email protected] or call me at 703-772-1555
SAVE THE DATE: Please also save the date for our upcoming Immigrant Advocacy Day that will be held during the 2012 Virginia General Assembly.
WHERE: Richmond
WHEN: January 17th, 2012
This event will include constituent visits to the offices of House and Senate state representatives to make our voices heard concerning the rights of immigrants. I will be sending out more information on this event as we get closer to January.
Please feel free to contact me on my cell at 703-772-1555 should you have any questions.
Thank you again for supporting this year’s Summit. I hope you all will be able to participate on the 14th.
Edgar Aranda-Yanoc (Chair of VACOLAO)
The 2nd Virginia Immigrant Advocates Summit was co-organized by: Coalition of Asian Pacific American of Virginia (CAPAVA), Centreville Immigration Forum (CIF), Jews United for Justice (JUFJ), Legal Aid Justice Center’s Immigrant Advocacy Program (LAJC), Social Action Linking Together (SALT), Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington (UUCA), and Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations (VACOLAO)
From 2nd Virginia Immigrant Advocates Summit, posted by VACOLAO – Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations on 11/04/2011 (36 items)
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Meet and Greet Forum (Forum of Candidates in Prince William)
From Meet and Greet Forum (Forum of Candidates in Prince William), posted by VACOLAO – Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations on 10/11/2011 (12 items)
- The social justice advocates of Prince William County and the surrounding area hosted…
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Historic Agreement on Immigrant Workers’ Rights
“” .. Today, we renew our promise to everyone who does an honest day’s work in America. No matter how you got here or how long you plan to stay, you have rights. You have the right to a safe and healthy workplace and the right to a legal wage. (Hilda Solis).”
From Historic Agreement on Immigrant Workers’ Rights, posted by VACOLAO – Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations on 8/31/2011 (5 items)
- Beatriz Alberman and Leni Gonzales, members of the Executive Committee of the VACOLAO…
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USA Senate Hearing on the DREAM Act 6.28.11
“VACOLAO would like to share some pictures of the DREAM Act hearing of the Senate Committee on the Judiciary, Subcommittee on Immigration, Refugees and Border Security. Dreamers from all across the country travelled to DC for the hearing, filling the room with their energy and hope that Congress will soon do the right thing and pass the Dream Act. VACOLAO shares this hope and urges Congress to not only pass the Dream Act, but also finally pass fair and just comprehensive immigration reform that includes a path to citizenship for all hardworking and law-abiding undocumented immigrants. ”
From USA Senate Hearing on the DREAM Act 6.28.11, posted by VACOLAO – Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations on 6/28/2011 (12 items)
- Carlos Saavedra, National Coordinator of United We DREAM with Jose Antonio Vargas, Pu…
- Edgar Aranda-Yanoc, chair of VACOLAO with Jose Antonio Vargas, Pulitzer Prize winning…
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Richmond Wrap-Up
“VACOLAO would like to share some picture taken at the “Richmond Wrap-Up” on Saturday, March 19, 2011. VACOLAO thanks SALT for taking the lead in organizing this successful event and inviting us to be cosponsor as well as Carla Peterson, Director of Virginia CURE and Joe Pettit of VOICE. This event was attended by several representatives of the General Assembly of Virginia. During the event, John Horejsi received a recognition by the General Assembly for his work and being an outstanding citizen of Virginia. VACOLAO was honored to open the event with a reading of an excerpt from Arthur Simon’s book, “How much is enough? Hungering for God in an Affluent Culture that hopefully appealed and presented a challenge to both the legislators and advocates.
Edgar Aranda-Yanoc Chair of VACOLAO.”
From “Richmond Wrap-Up”, posted by VACOLAO – Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations on 3/28/2011 (20 items)
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General Assembly Court of Justice Sub Committee Hearing
“On Friday, January 28th, almost all of the House bills of interest to the immigrant community (except for human trafficking and racial profiling legislation) were heard in subcommittee #3 of the House Courts of Justice Committee. You can find the list of bills that were heard at, and their current status. They included bills that would limit access to colleges, deny any chance to qualify for in-state tuition, require parents to provide information on their status when they enroll their children in public school, require the Superintendent of State Police to sign a 287g, require arresting officers to check the status of anyone they take into custody, establish e-Verify requirements, and punish employers for continuing to employ anyone who is undocumented.
Several Virginians from across the state made the trip to Richmond to attend this hearing to testify and let the Subcommittee members know that many Virginians want policies and laws that welcome and respect all of the Commonwealth’s residents.
Most of these bills made it through the subcommittee, many with amendments, and will be heard in the full Courts of Justice Committee this coming week (probably Monday). Please check our website”
From General Assembly Court of Justice Sub Committee Hearing, posted by VACOLAO – Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations on 1/30/2011 (9 items)
- VACOLAO’s lobbyist Claire Gastanaga testifies before members Court of Justice Sub Com…
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VA Immigrant Advocacy Day (VACOLAO’s lobby day
“VACOLAO would like to thank you for your interest and participation at the Virginia Immigrant Advocacy Day yesterday. Despite the bad weather, more than 100 advocates from across the state participated and made their voices heard.
While the Advocacy Day was a great start, we are facing some truly frightening legislation this session and your support is urgently needed to keep the pressure on. We also need to make sure we demonstrate support for bills that would advance immigrant rights.
We encourage you to make telephone calls and write letters or e-mails to your representatives to let them know your thoughts on the bills or write letters to your local newspapers.
VACOLAO has several several documents as helpful information in support of these continued advocacy efforts including our legislative agenda, proposed talking points, a guide on how to contact your legislators, and a list of key legislators whom we want to make sure hear our support for the rights of immigrants in Virginia. If you would like to receive them, please send us an e-mail to [email protected].
VACOLAO will be sending updates on our future advocacy events as well as that of our partners that will be organized to continue the fight for immigrant rights during the 2011 General Assembly session. You can also find more information and updates by visiting VACOLAO’s portfolio at the Richmondsunlight website at
For fair and humane legislation in Virginia.
Edgar Aranda-Yanoc
Chair of VACOLAO”
From VA Immigrant Advocacy Day (VACOLAO’s lobby day), posted by VACOLAO – Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations on 1/19/2011 (6 items)
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Redistricting Seminar: How Virginia Redistricting Can Affect you?
“This event was organized by Coalition of Asian Pacific Americans in Virginia (CAPAVA), The League of Women Voters of Virginia (LWV-VA), Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations (VACOLAO) and Voice of Vietnamese Americans (VVA). We thank to all participants. Similarly, we thank to our presenters Sharon Bulova, Chairman of the Fairfax County of Supervisors, Janet Howell, Senator of the 32nd District; David Poole, funder of the Virginia Public Access Project; Michael Long, Deputy Fairfax County Attorney; James Whitehorne, Assistant Chief – Redistricting Data Office at US Census Bureau. ”
From Redistricting Seminar: How Virginia Redistricting Can Affect you?, posted by VACOLAO – Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations on 1/07/2011 (12 items)
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VACOLAO joins United We DREAM Network DREAM Act
“VACOLAO joined United We DREAM Network to visit key Senators and Congressmembers to urge them to pass the DREAM Act, and delivered checks for 2.3 billion dollars that the DREAM Act would contribute to the economy. Once again VACOLAO visited Senator Jim Webb of Commonwealth of Virginia urging him to support the DREAM Act. Edgar Aranda-Yanoc, Chair of VACOLAO. ”
From VACOLAO joins United We DREAM Network “DREAM Act”, posted by VACOLAO – Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations on 12/08/2010 (16 items)
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A Community Forum on Getting Immigration Right – DREAM Act
“This Forum was organized by the Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington and VACOLAO. We discussed issues affecting to immigrant communities of Virginia and how Virginian immigrants can organize and advocate for their rights. We also discussed the importance of the DREAM Act and are urging all Virginia residents to contact your congressional representatives in support of this bill that is so important for the futures of thousands of young immigrants. Thank you for your participation. ”
From A Community Forum on Getting Immigration Right – DREAM Act, posted by VACOLAO – Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations on 12/02/2010 (9 items)
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