Conozca sus derechos en casos de redadas de la Migra
El presente documento tiene como finalidad informar a nuestra comunidad sus derecos en casos de que interactuen con los agentes de ICE (migra). Pulse en este enlace para acceda a los materiales educativos CONOZCA SUS DERECHOS
Know Your Rights in Case of ICE’s raids.
Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) has begun immigration raids to detain immigrant individuals and families from Central America who have been denied refugee status. Virginia is a state with large immigration populations including those from Central America and as such It is imperative that our immigrant communities know and understand how to exercise their rights during interactions with immigration and law enforcement officials. Please click HERE to access our Know Your Rights Training Materials. For the 2016 ICE Home Raids: Facts You Need to Know, click HERE, and for Spanish, click HERE
Know Your Rights in Case of ICE’s raids Training for service providers.
This training was organized by Legal Aid Justice Center’s Immigrant Advocacy Program and several organizations. For more information about power point, fact sheet and others, please click HERE
2015-2016 ICE Raids – Know Your Rights from Virginia Coalition Latino on Vimeo.