VACOLAO’s mission is to serve as a working alliance among organizations in Virginia that serve or support the interest of the Latino communities in order to empower the community and secure equal treatment, equal opportunity and equal representation for Latinos/Hispanics in Virginia.
History – How it All Started
VACOLAO began at our Latino Summit in 2001 when Mark Warner was Governor of the Commonwealth
Walter Tejada and Gov. Mark Warner: How VACOLAO began from Virginia Coalition Latino on Vimeo.
The Work We Have Done
The Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations (VACOLAO) is a coalition of non-profit organizations serving and supporting the Latino/Hispanic immigrant communities in Virginia. Since its foundation in 2002, VACOLAO have been advocating for the rights of Latino immigrant in the Commonwealth. VACOLAO works to empower, secure equal treatment, opportunity, and representation for Latinos/Hispanics. To achieve this mission VACOLAO has provided leadership for education and advocacy for Latino immigrants and immigrant advocate supporters. Our work is:
- Virginia General Assembly
- Virginia Immigrant Advocates Summit
- Immigration
- Health Care Reform
- Voting Rights
- Virginia Latino Conference
For more information and sponsorship opportunities, please contact Edgar Aranda-Yanoc at 703-772-1555 or [email protected],