Marchan y urgen ni una deportación más (El Tiempo Latino)

“Pedimos que el presidente Obama pare las deportaciones de inmigrantes que aspiran a ser ciudadanos de este país. Nuestras familias están siendo separadas día a día en números alarmantes. No podemos esperar a que el Congreso pase un alivio legislativo, necesitamos parar las deportaciones ahora, especialmente de aquellos que serían beneficiados por una potencial reforma […]

National day of Action to stop deportations

Family members of those who are facing deportation, Workers United of Washington DC, DC Immigration Coalition, National Day Laborer Organizing (NDLON), Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations (VACOLAO) and others held a press conference 4/1/14 to announce a march and rally, as part of the April 5th National Day of Action “not one more deportation” 2 […]

Updates from VA General Assembly and other important events

Updates from VA General Assembly, VA Immigrant Advocacy Day (snow day make-up)  In-state tuition for DACA Holders (VA Dream Act) Senate Committee on Education and Health Hearing: On Thursday the 23rd, SB249 (McEachin) was defeated on a party line vote – (YEAS (6) —Saslaw (D), Lucas (D) , Howell (D), Locke (D) , Barker (D), […]