Coalicion por los derechos de los inmigrantes en Virginia continua luchando por una reforma migratoria – UNIVISION

La coalicion por los derechos del inmigrante de Virginia, viene organizando LA CAMINATA “cruzando el puente por una reform migratoria” Caminaremos 6.7-mile desde Arlington, VA a la Capitolio de US este miercoles 20 de novimebre 2013. Comenzaremos en la iglesia de San Charles Borromeo de Arlington, cruzaremos el puente “Key”, calle M, Pennsylvania hasta llegar […]

Conference Call: Debriefing on Virginia’s Elections, and Immigrant Advocacy in the 2014 General Assembly

Conference Call: Debriefing on Virginia’s Elections, and Immigrant Advocacy in the 2014 General Assembly VACOLAO and CAPAVA invites you to participate in our conference call that will discuss the recent Virginia statewide elections and their implications for our legislative advocacy efforts during the 2014 General Assembly. This year’s election has shifted the political map in our […]

Derechos del Votante en Virginia

El 5 de noviembre son las elecciones, su voto cuenta. Esta informacion le ayudará cuando vaya a votar. Si tiene preguntas, llame al  1-888-Ve-Y-Vota (1-888-839-8682) o visite 1. En el día de las elecciones, CADA LUGAR DE VOTACION ESTARA ABIERTO ENTRE LAS 6:00 A.M. Y 7:00 P.M. Todo votante que este en línea a […]

Virginia Activities For Immigration Reform and General Assembly

Dear all, VACOLAO would like to congratulate its long standing partner, the Legal Aid Justice Center, for several events they organized last week. Hundreds of people filled theaters in Fairfax, Richmond and Charlottesville to watch a powerful film, The Dream is Now, and become energized as we collectively push for immigration reform and in support […]