Presion en Virginia (El Tiempo Latino)

VACOLAO was featured on the front page of El Tiempo Latino for our work fighting for immigrant rights in Virginia. “En años anteriores siempre hemos estado a la defensiva, tratando de frenar leyes que hubieran perjudicado a nuestra población. Ahora estamos en una buena posición, impulsando propuestas proactivas”, expresó el martes 14 Leni González, […]

Push seeks in-state tuition for undocumented immigrants (Richmond Dispatch)

As comprehensive immigration reform continues to languish in Congress, Republicans and Democrats in the Virginia General Assembly are renewing their push for allowing eligible undocumented immigrants to pay in-state tuition rates. Del. Alfonso H. Lopez, D-Arlington, said that today he will roll out the Virginia Tuition Equality Act — his third attempt to get the […]

Conference Call: Debriefing on Virginia’s Elections, and Immigrant Advocacy in the 2014 General Assembly

Conference Call: Debriefing on Virginia’s Elections, and Immigrant Advocacy in the 2014 General Assembly VACOLAO and CAPAVA invites you to participate in our conference call that will discuss the recent Virginia statewide elections and their implications for our legislative advocacy efforts during the 2014 General Assembly. This year’s election has shifted the political map in our […]

Licencias de conducir para indocumentados (UNIVISION)

WFDC News 08/08/2013 5:59 PM   (Actualizado el 27 de mayo 2014 : UNETE a la campaña  para la licenica de conducir para todos en Virginia: VIRGINIA SAFE ROADS COALITION) (Entravision) Washington D.C. – Se reactivan las movilizaciones en Virginia para que los indocumentados puedan obtener licencias de conducir. Organizaciones comienzan una campaña para lograr […]